Creating Anomaly Definition

You can create custom Anomaly definitions to apply to Node Groups.

By default, there are eight pre-defined **Anomaly Definitions** that are
frequently used. With the steps provided below, you can create your own Anomaly

To Create an Anomaly Definition

#. Go to **Policy** in the top panel.
#. Go to **Policy > Node Policy > Anomaly Definition** in the left Policy
#. Click **Tasks > Create.**

Under **General:**

#. For **ID**, type unique name.
#. For **CWP Message**, enter message to be presented to user.
#. For **User-defined Severity**, choose **Low, Medium,** or **High** for
   Anomaly severity.
#. For **Status**, must be **Enabled** to be active.
#. For **Node Group Exception**, optional setting to choose group to be an
   exception to this Anomaly.

Under **Anomaly Event:**

#. For **Event**, choose which Anomaly Definition to use.
#. For **Options**, customize the options as needed based on selected
#. Click **Create.**

To Delete an Anomaly Definition

#. Go to **Policy** in the top panel.
#. Go to **Policy > Node Policy > Anomaly Definition** in the left Policy
#. Click **Checkbox** of desired **Anomaly Definition.**
#. Click **Tasks > Delete.**
#. Click **OK.**
#. Click **Apply.**