Retrieves the information of the IP Request specified.
curl -X GET "https://localhost/mc2/rest/applications/ips?page=&pageSize=&sort=&confirmStatus=&appType=&qsearch=&appTypeCode=&applicantUser=&applicantDept=&user=&userDept=&purpose=&os=&isGuestUser=&ip=&mac=&pcName=&confirmAppType=&dateRangeType=&fromDate=&toDate="
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.ApplicationsApi;
import java.util.*;
public class ApplicationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationsApi();
Integer page = 56; // Integer | Results page to be retrieved
Integer pageSize = 56; // Integer | Number of records per page
String sort = sort_example; // String | Sorting criteria in the JSON ({"field": "ColumnName", "dir": "Direction"})
String confirmStatus = confirmStatus_example; // String | Hierarchical Approval status (ready, complete, confirm, reject, progress)
String appType = appType_example; // String | Request Type (newreturn, new, return, devchange, userchange)
String qsearch = qsearch_example; // String | Search string
String appTypeCode = appTypeCode_example; // String | appTypeCode
String applicantUser = applicantUser_example; // String | Requester
String applicantDept = applicantDept_example; // String | Requester department (applicantDept)
String user = user_example; // String | User
String userDept = userDept_example; // String | User department (userDept)
String purpose = purpose_example; // String | Purpose
String os = os_example; // String | OS
Boolean isGuestUser = true; // Boolean | Guest enabled
String ip = ip_example; // String | IP
String mac = mac_example; // String | MAC
String pcName = pcName_example; // String | Hostname
String confirmAppType = confirmAppType_example; // String | Approval Type (prevapp: Submitted, nextapp: Approved)
String dateRangeType = dateRangeType_example; // String | Period search Type. Please enter the fromDate and toDate when searching for a period.
(createDate: Registration date, confirmDate: Approval date, userPeriodDate: Period of use, ipUseStartDate: Start date of use, ipUsePeriodDate: End date of use, expiredDate: Expiry date)
String fromDate = fromDate_example; // String | Start Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
String toDate = toDate_example; // String | End Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
try {
apiInstance.getIpApplications(page, pageSize, sort, confirmStatus, appType, qsearch, appTypeCode, applicantUser, applicantDept, user, userDept, purpose, os, isGuestUser, ip, mac, pcName, confirmAppType, dateRangeType, fromDate, toDate);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationsApi#getIpApplications");
import io.swagger.client.api.ApplicationsApi;
public class ApplicationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationsApi apiInstance = new ApplicationsApi();
Integer page = 56; // Integer | Results page to be retrieved
Integer pageSize = 56; // Integer | Number of records per page
String sort = sort_example; // String | Sorting criteria in the JSON ({"field": "ColumnName", "dir": "Direction"})
String confirmStatus = confirmStatus_example; // String | Hierarchical Approval status (ready, complete, confirm, reject, progress)
String appType = appType_example; // String | Request Type (newreturn, new, return, devchange, userchange)
String qsearch = qsearch_example; // String | Search string
String appTypeCode = appTypeCode_example; // String | appTypeCode
String applicantUser = applicantUser_example; // String | Requester
String applicantDept = applicantDept_example; // String | Requester department (applicantDept)
String user = user_example; // String | User
String userDept = userDept_example; // String | User department (userDept)
String purpose = purpose_example; // String | Purpose
String os = os_example; // String | OS
Boolean isGuestUser = true; // Boolean | Guest enabled
String ip = ip_example; // String | IP
String mac = mac_example; // String | MAC
String pcName = pcName_example; // String | Hostname
String confirmAppType = confirmAppType_example; // String | Approval Type (prevapp: Submitted, nextapp: Approved)
String dateRangeType = dateRangeType_example; // String | Period search Type. Please enter the fromDate and toDate when searching for a period.
(createDate: Registration date, confirmDate: Approval date, userPeriodDate: Period of use, ipUseStartDate: Start date of use, ipUsePeriodDate: End date of use, expiredDate: Expiry date)
String fromDate = fromDate_example; // String | Start Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
String toDate = toDate_example; // String | End Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
try {
apiInstance.getIpApplications(page, pageSize, sort, confirmStatus, appType, qsearch, appTypeCode, applicantUser, applicantDept, user, userDept, purpose, os, isGuestUser, ip, mac, pcName, confirmAppType, dateRangeType, fromDate, toDate);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationsApi#getIpApplications");
Integer *page = 56; // Results page to be retrieved (default to 1)
Integer *pageSize = 56; // Number of records per page (default to 30)
String *sort = sort_example; // Sorting criteria in the JSON ({"field": "ColumnName", "dir": "Direction"}) (optional)
String *confirmStatus = confirmStatus_example; // Hierarchical Approval status (ready, complete, confirm, reject, progress) (optional)
String *appType = appType_example; // Request Type (newreturn, new, return, devchange, userchange) (optional)
String *qsearch = qsearch_example; // Search string (optional)
String *appTypeCode = appTypeCode_example; // appTypeCode (optional)
String *applicantUser = applicantUser_example; // Requester (optional)
String *applicantDept = applicantDept_example; // Requester department (applicantDept) (optional)
String *user = user_example; // User (optional)
String *userDept = userDept_example; // User department (userDept) (optional)
String *purpose = purpose_example; // Purpose (optional)
String *os = os_example; // OS (optional)
Boolean *isGuestUser = true; // Guest enabled (optional)
String *ip = ip_example; // IP (optional)
String *mac = mac_example; // MAC (optional)
String *pcName = pcName_example; // Hostname (optional)
String *confirmAppType = confirmAppType_example; // Approval Type (prevapp: Submitted, nextapp: Approved) (optional)
String *dateRangeType = dateRangeType_example; // Period search Type. Please enter the fromDate and toDate when searching for a period.
(createDate: Registration date, confirmDate: Approval date, userPeriodDate: Period of use, ipUseStartDate: Start date of use, ipUsePeriodDate: End date of use, expiredDate: Expiry date) (optional)
String *fromDate = fromDate_example; // Start Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) (optional)
String *toDate = toDate_example; // End Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) (optional)
ApplicationsApi *apiInstance = [[ApplicationsApi alloc] init];
// Retrieve a specific IP Request's information
[apiInstance getIpApplicationsWith:page
completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var GenianZtnaRestApi = require('genian_ztna_rest_api');
var api = new GenianZtnaRestApi.ApplicationsApi()
var page = 56; // {Integer} Results page to be retrieved
var pageSize = 56; // {Integer} Number of records per page
var opts = {
'sort': sort_example, // {String} Sorting criteria in the JSON ({"field": "ColumnName", "dir": "Direction"})
'confirmStatus': confirmStatus_example, // {String} Hierarchical Approval status (ready, complete, confirm, reject, progress)
'appType': appType_example, // {String} Request Type (newreturn, new, return, devchange, userchange)
'qsearch': qsearch_example, // {String} Search string
'appTypeCode': appTypeCode_example, // {String} appTypeCode
'applicantUser': applicantUser_example, // {String} Requester
'applicantDept': applicantDept_example, // {String} Requester department (applicantDept)
'user': user_example, // {String} User
'userDept': userDept_example, // {String} User department (userDept)
'purpose': purpose_example, // {String} Purpose
'os': os_example, // {String} OS
'isGuestUser': true, // {Boolean} Guest enabled
'ip': ip_example, // {String} IP
'mac': mac_example, // {String} MAC
'pcName': pcName_example, // {String} Hostname
'confirmAppType': confirmAppType_example, // {String} Approval Type (prevapp: Submitted, nextapp: Approved)
'dateRangeType': dateRangeType_example, // {String} Period search Type. Please enter the fromDate and toDate when searching for a period.
(createDate: Registration date, confirmDate: Approval date, userPeriodDate: Period of use, ipUseStartDate: Start date of use, ipUsePeriodDate: End date of use, expiredDate: Expiry date)
'fromDate': fromDate_example, // {String} Start Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
'toDate': toDate_example // {String} End Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully.');
api.getIpApplications(page, pageSize, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
namespace Example
public class getIpApplicationsExample
public void main()
var apiInstance = new ApplicationsApi();
var page = 56; // Integer | Results page to be retrieved (default to 1)
var pageSize = 56; // Integer | Number of records per page (default to 30)
var sort = sort_example; // String | Sorting criteria in the JSON ({"field": "ColumnName", "dir": "Direction"}) (optional)
var confirmStatus = confirmStatus_example; // String | Hierarchical Approval status (ready, complete, confirm, reject, progress) (optional)
var appType = appType_example; // String | Request Type (newreturn, new, return, devchange, userchange) (optional)
var qsearch = qsearch_example; // String | Search string (optional)
var appTypeCode = appTypeCode_example; // String | appTypeCode (optional)
var applicantUser = applicantUser_example; // String | Requester (optional)
var applicantDept = applicantDept_example; // String | Requester department (applicantDept) (optional)
var user = user_example; // String | User (optional)
var userDept = userDept_example; // String | User department (userDept) (optional)
var purpose = purpose_example; // String | Purpose (optional)
var os = os_example; // String | OS (optional)
var isGuestUser = true; // Boolean | Guest enabled (optional)
var ip = ip_example; // String | IP (optional)
var mac = mac_example; // String | MAC (optional)
var pcName = pcName_example; // String | Hostname (optional)
var confirmAppType = confirmAppType_example; // String | Approval Type (prevapp: Submitted, nextapp: Approved) (optional)
var dateRangeType = dateRangeType_example; // String | Period search Type. Please enter the fromDate and toDate when searching for a period.
(createDate: Registration date, confirmDate: Approval date, userPeriodDate: Period of use, ipUseStartDate: Start date of use, ipUsePeriodDate: End date of use, expiredDate: Expiry date) (optional)
var fromDate = fromDate_example; // String | Start Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) (optional)
var toDate = toDate_example; // String | End Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) (optional)
// Retrieve a specific IP Request's information
apiInstance.getIpApplications(page, pageSize, sort, confirmStatus, appType, qsearch, appTypeCode, applicantUser, applicantDept, user, userDept, purpose, os, isGuestUser, ip, mac, pcName, confirmAppType, dateRangeType, fromDate, toDate);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ApplicationsApi.getIpApplications: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\ApplicationsApi();
$page = 56; // Integer | Results page to be retrieved
$pageSize = 56; // Integer | Number of records per page
$sort = sort_example; // String | Sorting criteria in the JSON ({"field": "ColumnName", "dir": "Direction"})
$confirmStatus = confirmStatus_example; // String | Hierarchical Approval status (ready, complete, confirm, reject, progress)
$appType = appType_example; // String | Request Type (newreturn, new, return, devchange, userchange)
$qsearch = qsearch_example; // String | Search string
$appTypeCode = appTypeCode_example; // String | appTypeCode
$applicantUser = applicantUser_example; // String | Requester
$applicantDept = applicantDept_example; // String | Requester department (applicantDept)
$user = user_example; // String | User
$userDept = userDept_example; // String | User department (userDept)
$purpose = purpose_example; // String | Purpose
$os = os_example; // String | OS
$isGuestUser = true; // Boolean | Guest enabled
$ip = ip_example; // String | IP
$mac = mac_example; // String | MAC
$pcName = pcName_example; // String | Hostname
$confirmAppType = confirmAppType_example; // String | Approval Type (prevapp: Submitted, nextapp: Approved)
$dateRangeType = dateRangeType_example; // String | Period search Type. Please enter the fromDate and toDate when searching for a period.
(createDate: Registration date, confirmDate: Approval date, userPeriodDate: Period of use, ipUseStartDate: Start date of use, ipUsePeriodDate: End date of use, expiredDate: Expiry date)
$fromDate = fromDate_example; // String | Start Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
$toDate = toDate_example; // String | End Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
try {
$api_instance->getIpApplications($page, $pageSize, $sort, $confirmStatus, $appType, $qsearch, $appTypeCode, $applicantUser, $applicantDept, $user, $userDept, $purpose, $os, $isGuestUser, $ip, $mac, $pcName, $confirmAppType, $dateRangeType, $fromDate, $toDate);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling ApplicationsApi->getIpApplications: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::ApplicationsApi;
my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::ApplicationsApi->new();
my $page = 56; # Integer | Results page to be retrieved
my $pageSize = 56; # Integer | Number of records per page
my $sort = sort_example; # String | Sorting criteria in the JSON ({"field": "ColumnName", "dir": "Direction"})
my $confirmStatus = confirmStatus_example; # String | Hierarchical Approval status (ready, complete, confirm, reject, progress)
my $appType = appType_example; # String | Request Type (newreturn, new, return, devchange, userchange)
my $qsearch = qsearch_example; # String | Search string
my $appTypeCode = appTypeCode_example; # String | appTypeCode
my $applicantUser = applicantUser_example; # String | Requester
my $applicantDept = applicantDept_example; # String | Requester department (applicantDept)
my $user = user_example; # String | User
my $userDept = userDept_example; # String | User department (userDept)
my $purpose = purpose_example; # String | Purpose
my $os = os_example; # String | OS
my $isGuestUser = true; # Boolean | Guest enabled
my $ip = ip_example; # String | IP
my $mac = mac_example; # String | MAC
my $pcName = pcName_example; # String | Hostname
my $confirmAppType = confirmAppType_example; # String | Approval Type (prevapp: Submitted, nextapp: Approved)
my $dateRangeType = dateRangeType_example; # String | Period search Type. Please enter the fromDate and toDate when searching for a period.
(createDate: Registration date, confirmDate: Approval date, userPeriodDate: Period of use, ipUseStartDate: Start date of use, ipUsePeriodDate: End date of use, expiredDate: Expiry date)
my $fromDate = fromDate_example; # String | Start Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
my $toDate = toDate_example; # String | End Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
eval {
$api_instance->getIpApplications(page => $page, pageSize => $pageSize, sort => $sort, confirmStatus => $confirmStatus, appType => $appType, qsearch => $qsearch, appTypeCode => $appTypeCode, applicantUser => $applicantUser, applicantDept => $applicantDept, user => $user, userDept => $userDept, purpose => $purpose, os => $os, isGuestUser => $isGuestUser, ip => $ip, mac => $mac, pcName => $pcName, confirmAppType => $confirmAppType, dateRangeType => $dateRangeType, fromDate => $fromDate, toDate => $toDate);
if ($@) {
warn "Exception when calling ApplicationsApi->getIpApplications: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.ApplicationsApi()
page = 56 # Integer | Results page to be retrieved (default to 1)
pageSize = 56 # Integer | Number of records per page (default to 30)
sort = sort_example # String | Sorting criteria in the JSON ({"field": "ColumnName", "dir": "Direction"}) (optional)
confirmStatus = confirmStatus_example # String | Hierarchical Approval status (ready, complete, confirm, reject, progress) (optional)
appType = appType_example # String | Request Type (newreturn, new, return, devchange, userchange) (optional)
qsearch = qsearch_example # String | Search string (optional)
appTypeCode = appTypeCode_example # String | appTypeCode (optional)
applicantUser = applicantUser_example # String | Requester (optional)
applicantDept = applicantDept_example # String | Requester department (applicantDept) (optional)
user = user_example # String | User (optional)
userDept = userDept_example # String | User department (userDept) (optional)
purpose = purpose_example # String | Purpose (optional)
os = os_example # String | OS (optional)
isGuestUser = true # Boolean | Guest enabled (optional)
ip = ip_example # String | IP (optional)
mac = mac_example # String | MAC (optional)
pcName = pcName_example # String | Hostname (optional)
confirmAppType = confirmAppType_example # String | Approval Type (prevapp: Submitted, nextapp: Approved) (optional)
dateRangeType = dateRangeType_example # String | Period search Type. Please enter the fromDate and toDate when searching for a period.
(createDate: Registration date, confirmDate: Approval date, userPeriodDate: Period of use, ipUseStartDate: Start date of use, ipUsePeriodDate: End date of use, expiredDate: Expiry date) (optional)
fromDate = fromDate_example # String | Start Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) (optional)
toDate = toDate_example # String | End Date (Format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) (optional)
# Retrieve a specific IP Request's information
api_instance.get_ip_applications(page, pageSize, sort=sort, confirmStatus=confirmStatus, appType=appType, qsearch=qsearch, appTypeCode=appTypeCode, applicantUser=applicantUser, applicantDept=applicantDept, user=user, userDept=userDept, purpose=purpose, os=os, isGuestUser=isGuestUser, ip=ip, mac=mac, pcName=pcName, confirmAppType=confirmAppType, dateRangeType=dateRangeType, fromDate=fromDate, toDate=toDate)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ApplicationsApi->getIpApplications: %s\n" % e)