Changing IPAM Policy

You can also manually allow or deny from Node List and Matrix View.

the following IPAM options are available when selecting nodes from the node
view or IP's from the matrix view

To Allow or Deny IPAM from Node List

#. Go to **Management > Node** in the top panel
#. Click **Checkbox** of the **desired node** in the Node window
#. Click **Tasks > IP/MAC Policy**
#. Select the desired **options:**

- **Deny IP**
- **Allow IP**: Allow an IP Address, but do not
  reserve the IP address.
- **Allow IP for Specific MACs**: Allow an IP Address, and reserve
  it to a specific MAC address. (Additional MACs may be added by selecting
  the node, and editing under the IP Policy section.)
- **Enable Hostname Policy for IP** (Require host name to meet the Hostname
  Policy defined in the node policy.
  See: :doc:`/monitoring/network-nodes/managing-nodes` )
- **Remove Hostname Policy for IP**
- **Time Restriction for IP**: Set allowed time period for IP.
- **Edit IPAM New Node Policy for Reserved IP**: (Choose: Allow MAC, Enable
  Conflict Prevention, Enable Change Prevention, or Enable Conflict
  Prevention/Change Prevention)
- **Edit IP Purpose** (Choose: Dynamic, Static, or Temporary IP Address)
- **Deny MAC**
- **Allow MAC**: Allow an IP Address, but do not
  mandate an IP address.
- **Allow MAC - Current IP for Current Sensor**: Allow a MAC Address, and
  mandate a specific IP address on a specific sensor managed network.
- **Allow MAC - Current IP for All Sensors**: Allow a MAC Address, and mandate
  a specific IP address.
- **Time Restriction for MAC**: Set allowed time period for MAC.
- **Deny IP/MAC**: Deny an IP and MAC Address
- **Allow IP and MAC**: Allow an IP and MAC
- **Enable Conflict/Change Prevention**: Enable IP Change and conflict
  Prevention for a node’s IP/MAC

To Allow or Deny IPAM from Matrix View

#. Go to **Management > IP Address** in the top panel
#. Click on the desired **Sensor’s Name**
#. Find **IP Address Square** and click to **highlight square**
#. Click **Tasks**
#. Select the desired **options:**

- **Add Node**
- **Remove Node**
- **Deny IP**
- **Allow IP**: Allow an IP Address, but do not
  reserve the IP address.
- **Allow IP for Specific MACs**: Allow an IP Address, and reserve
  it to a specific MAC address.
- **Enable Conflict/Change Prevention**: Enable IP Change and conflict
  Prevention for a node’s IP/MAC
- **Edit IPAM New Node Policy for New Node Settings** (Choose: Allow MAC,
  Enable Conflict Prevention, Enable Change Prevention, or Enable Conflict
  Prevention/Change Prevention)
- **IP Time Allowance**
- **Assign User IP Ownership**
- **Assign Department IP Ownership**
- **Define IP Purpose** (Choose: Dynamic, Static, or Temporary IP Address)

.. note:: Denied IP/MAC Addresses are highlighted in light red with the text of
   the IP Address having a strikethrough