Collecting Antivirus Software Information

Policy Server communicates with the Agent to collect antivirus software
information that is installed on your macOS devices.

List of Supported Antivirus by Version

Check all Antivirus supported with Genian ZTNA.

|Vendor         |Product                         |Genian Version |
|AhnLab         |AhnLab V3 for Mac               |5.0.13         |
|Avast          |Avast Mac Security              |5.0.9          |
|AVG            |AVG Antivirus                   |5.0.9          |
|BitDefender    |Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac   |5.0.9          |
|ESET           |ESET Cyber Security             |5.0.9          |
|ESET           |ESET Endpoint Antivirus         |5.0.13         |
|Kaspersky      |Kaspersky Internet Security     |5.0.9          |
|Sophos         |Sophos Endpoint                 |5.0.17         |
|Sophos         |Sophos Home                     |5.0.17         |
|Symantec       |Norton Antivirus                |5.0.9          |
|TrenMicro      |Apex One                        |5.0.63         |

Collect Antivirus Software Information

#. Go to **Policy** in the top panel.
#. Go to **Policy > Node Policy > Agent Action** in the left Policy panel.
#. Find and click **Collect Antivirus Software Information** in the Agent
   Action window.

Under **General** section:

#. For **CWP Message**, add message to be displayed in accordance with the
#. For **Label**, add labels to help categorize your plugins with custom labels
   that appear in the "Description" field.

Under **Agent Action** section:

#. For **Boolean Operator**, leave as default: **OR**
#. For **Settings**, leave the default and click **Add** button to include
   others if they are not listed.
#. Click **Update.**
#. Go to **Node Policy** in the left Policy panel.
#. Click the **Default Policy** in Node Policy window.
#. Find **Agent Action** section, click **Assign.**
#. Find **Collect Antivirus Software Information** in the **Available**
   section. Select and drag it into the **Selected** section.
#. Click **Add.**
#. Click **Update.**