Manage Files

You can manage files in macOS by copying, deleting, moving, and renaming files. You can also run specific files.

Add Agent Action to a Policy

#. Go to **Policy** in the top panel.
#. Go to **Node Policy** in the left Policy panel.
#. Click the **Default Policy** in Node Policy window.
#. Find **Agent Action**. Click **Assign.**
#. Find **Manage File** in the **Available** section. 
   Select and drag it into the **Selected** section.
#. Click **Add.**
#. Click **Update.**

Manage Files

#. Go to **Policy** in the top panel.
#. Go to **Policy > Node Policy** in the left Policy panel.
#. Find and click **Manage File** in the Agent Action window.

Under **General** section:

#. For **Manage Files**, add message to be displayed in accordance with the Policy.
#. For **Label**, add labels to help categorize your plugins with custom labels that appear in the "Description" filed.

Under **Agent Actions** section:

#. For **Boolean Operator, choose **AND** or **OR** to add optional conditions.
#. For **Settings**, click **Add** and select your optional conditions. **Criteria/Operator/Value**

Under **Plugin Settings** section:

#. Select a **Management Action** for the source file: **Run App**, **Run File**, **Delete**, **Copy**, **Move**, **Rename**
#. For all Actions, define a **Source Path** , specifying the **source file** to manage.
#. Configure Action Specific options:
   - If **Run App**: Use the prompt to select a **Command Line Parameter**.
     For **Restart Options** select **Do Nothing**, **Prompt**, or **Restart**

   - If **Run File**: Use the prompt to select a **Command Line Parameter**.
     For **Execution Account** select **Root** or **Logon Account**.
     For **Restart Options** select **Do Nothing**, **Prompt**, or **Restart**.

   - If **Delete**: Proceed to the next step.

   - If **Copy**, **Move** or **Rename**: Define a **Destination Path**.

#. For **Excution Interval**, adjust Periodic Interval.(Seconds - Months)
#. Click **Update**