Notify User

You can notify users with informational messages or warnings. The message may
be displayed using a slide-out notification, HTML, or redirection to a URL.

Notify User configuration

#. For **Contents for Slide-out Box Notification**, add message to be displayed on notification title.
#. For **CWP Page Redirection**, if you turn **On**, reditected to CWP page when user click notification.

   - **CWP Page Redirection URL** Click **Use Template** the button to use a template or enter the URL manually

#. For **Enforcing Notification** whether to show agent notifications again when they are closed. (*On / Off*)

   - **Notification Message Type** : Choose message type (*Normal, Warning*)
   - **Generating Log for User Read Notification** : Generating audit log When user checked message (*On / Off*)

Configure Notify User through Node Policy

#. Go to **Node Policy** in the left Policy panel.
#. Click the **Default Policy** in Node Policy window.
#. Find Agent Action section, click **Assign**.
#. Find and double click newly created **Agent Action**. (e.g. Notfiy User)
#. Click **Add**.
#. Click **Update**.

Configure Notify User through Enforcement Policy

**1. Create Group for Enforcement Policy**

#. Go to **Policy** in the top panel.
#. Go to **Groups> Nodes** in the left
#. Click **Tasks > Create**
#. Click the **Add** button
#. After setting the condition of the target, click the **Add** button.
#. Click the **Create** button.

**2. Create Action for Enforcement Policy**

#. Go to **Policy > Enforcement Policy > Agent Action**
#. Click **Tasks > Create**
#. Select **Notify User** plguin on the list.
#. Click **Create** button.

**3. Create Enforcement Policy**

#. Go to **Policy > Enforcement Policy**
#. Click **Tasks > Create**, Follow **Enforcement Policy Wizard**
#. For **General** tab, Please input **ID** and click **Next** button.
#. For **Node Group** tab, Please move Node Group you created to **Selected**
#. Click **Finish** button.
#. Click **Apply** button on the top right.