Shut Down System

You can control the power options (e.g. Sleep, Restart, and Shutdown) and
control how long the Mac OS device stays up and running after it wakes from

Add the Agent Action to a Policy

#. Go to **Node Policy** in the left Policy panel.
#. Click the **Default Policy** in Node Policy window.
#. Find **Agent Action**. Click **Assign.**
#. Find **Control Power Options** in the **Available** section. Select and drag
   it into the **Selected** section.
#. Click **Add.**
#. Click **Update.**

Control Power Options

#. Go to **Policy** in the top panel.
#. Go to **Policy > Node Policy > Agent Action** in the left Policy panel.
#. Click the desired **Policy ID** in Node Policy window.
#. Find and click **Control Power Options** in the Agent Action window.

Under **General** section:

#. For **CWP Message**, add message to be displayed in accordance with the
#. For **Label**, add labels to help categorize your plugins with custom labels
   that appear in the "Description" field.

Under **Agent Actions** section:

#. For **Boolean Operator**, choose **AND** or **OR** to add optional
#. For **Condition**, click **Add** and select your optional conditions.

Under **Plugin Settings** section:

#. For **Power Control Action**, specify how to control the power of the
   device. (*Sleep, Restart, Shutdown*)
#. For **Disable abort-shutdown**, toggle **On** or **Off** to select if the
   endpoint user can abort the shutdown.
#. For **Waiting time**, adjust the time to delay applying the policy after
   user input.
   (*Seconds - hours*)
#. For **Uptime for Power Control**, specify how long after computer awakening
   to execute the power control action.
#. For **Show Title bar**, toggle **On** or **Off** to select if the
   message box title bar will be displayed.
#. For **Message Contents**, specify the message contents, text and height.
   You can use HTML formatting and macros to display information from Genians.
#. For **Execution Interval**, adjust Periodic Interval. (*Seconds - months*)
#. Click **Update.**