.. _installing-ztna-gateway: Installing ZTNA Gateway ======================= ZTNA Gateway Deployment Options ------------------------------- The ZTNA Gateway can be deployed into Cloud environments or can be installed On-Premises. Enforcement of the policies in the ZTNA Gateway requires that user traffic pass through the gateway. Different deployment models support different goals. For example, if controlling access to Cloud resources is important, deploying a ZTNA Gateway in the Cloud would be ideal. Remote user traffic could also connect through the Cloud ZTNA Gateway controlling access to any destination (including On-Prem). If deployed On-Prem, local or remote user traffic could route through the Cloud ZTNA Gateway. This would allow for the control of On-Prem users regardless of destination and also support remote users connecting back to the On-Prem environment. Installing the ZTNA Gateway in the AWS Cloud -------------------------------------------- See: :doc:`/controlling/controlling-cloudaccess`. Installing the ZTNA Gateway On-Premises or in Non-AWS Cloud Environments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #. Install Ubuntu(20.04) based system on physical or virtual machine #. The command below can be used to install the ZTNA Gateway on Ubuntu Linux 20.04 or later .. code-block:: bash #curl -s https://docs.genians.com/install/ztna-sensor.sh | sudo BRANCH= bash -s - POLICYSERVER.DOMAIN.ORIP .. note:: If installing on a virtual machine, be sure that the network adapter is set to bridged mode instead of NAT mode. The ZTNA gateway requires a dedicated IP address in order to function properly. #. For further instructions to configure and test the ZTNA Gateway after it is installed, follow the link below See: :doc:`/controlling/controlling-cloudaccess`.