Node Details

Genian ZTNA displays node detail information and policy status in the Web Console.
Node-Details included Network Sensor collected information, Agent collected information and Node Policy status.

In Node-Details, Administrator can check the node policy status, run node tasks and run agent tasks.

How to check Node-Details

#. Go to **Management > Node** in the top panel
#. Choose Node and Click Node's **IP**
#. Check **Node Details**

.. list-table::
   :widths: 2 4 5
   :header-rows: 1
   * - List(tab name) 
     - Collecting from
     - Collected information
   * - Node
     - Network Sensor
     - IP, MAC, Status, Platform Intelligence information
   * - Device
     - Network Sensor
     - Nodes for Device, Device Life-Cycle
   * - Network
     - Network Sensor
     - Service, Open port
   * - 
     - Agent Plugin (Collect network information, Inspect TCP Connections, Contorl WLAN)
     - Traffic, WLAN, TCP Connections
   * - System
     - Agent Plugin (Collect Hardware Information, Collect Monitor Information, Control Network Folder Sharing, Collect System Information Using WMI, Control Personalization)
     - Hardware information, OS, Network Connections, WMI Status, etc.
   * - Software
     - Agent Plugin (Collect Software Information)
     - Programs, Antivirus Software
   * - OS Update
     - Agent Plugin (Update Windows, Update macOS)
     - OS update information
   * - Policy
     - Policy Server
     - IP Policy, MAC Policy, Node(IP+MAC) Policy
   * - Policy Status
     - Policy Server
     - Node Policy, Enforcement Policy, Node group, Agent Action Compliance Statistics, etc.
   * - Malware
     - Agent Plugin (Collect Malware Information)
     - Malware information
   * - Logs
     - Policy Server(Log Server)
     - Audit logs based on node information(IP+MAC)