Genian ZTNA 6.0.2 Release Notes (2022-02-09)

Last Updated: 2022-04-12

Security Vulnerability
.. csv-table::
    :header: "Revision", "Key", "Components", "Description", "Affects Versions", "CVSS Score"
    :class: datatable
    :widths: 10 10 15 50 15 10

    "103842","`GN-24689 <>`_","WebUI","Issues where XSS is possible in Audit > Logs > Log Search","",4.3
    "103670","`GN-24651 <>`_","Center, macOS Agent, Windows Agent","Upgrading to the latest version of OpenSSL (OpenSSL 1.1.1n)","4.0.0, 5.0.0, 6.0.0",7.5
    "103638","`GN-24687 <>`_","WebUI","An issue where files can be accessed by relative paths on the debug log screen","",3.83
    "102685","`GN-24535 <>`_","WebUI","Remove logstash","",5.9

New Features and Improvements
.. csv-table::
    :header: "Revision", "Key", "Components", "Description", "Affects Versions"
    :class: datatable
    :widths: 10 10 15 60 15

    "103413","`GN-24648 <>`_","WebUI","Fixed an issue where search results were slow when there was an IP owner column in the node list",""
    "103066","`GN-24302 <>`_","Center","Add macros and provide a response message capture function to enable MD5 (MD5B64), an encryption method linked to webhook authentication",""
    "103058","`GN-24257 <>`_","Center","Improved so that a server connection timeout can be set when linking LDAP authentication",""
    "103053","`GN-24198 <>`_","WebUI","A problem where a specific domain is not registered in the network address of a network object",""
    "102920","`GN-24557 <>`_","Center, RADIUSD","Provides a node registration function as an optional setting function during RADIUS authentication",""
    "102892","`GN-24151 <>`_","WebUI","Added an API for setting and querying sensors that can be used for each purpose of the IP application system",""
    "102436","`GN-24246 <>`_","macOS Agent","Implementing features related to secondary authentication in macOS ZTNA Connection Manager","6.0.2"
    "102436","`GN-24172 <>`_","WebUI","Fixed so that Tomcat version information is not output when Bad Request (400) occurs",""
    "102436","`GN-24165 <>`_","WebUI","Fixed so that html tags are not converted when entering instance message content",""
    "102436","`GN-24130 <>`_","macOS Agent","Structural improvements for multiple VPN connections to the macOS ZTNA connection manager","6.0.2"
    "102436","`GN-24082 <>`_","WebUI","Improved so that additional tags other than node tags can be queried through the /nodes/ {nodeID} /tags API",""
    "102436","`GN-24077 <>`_","WebUI","Modified to enable web access even if the MySQL authentication plugin is changed to sha256_password",""
    "102436","`GN-24068 <>`_","WebUI","Improved to be able to specify the date format displayed in the new dashboard chart widget tooltip",""
    "102436","`GN-24059 <>`_","WebUI","Added a reverse assignment function when applying for IP",""
    "102436","`GN-24045 <>`_","DKNS","Improved so that DHCP Pool can be set when setting up ZTNA Client",""
    "102436","`GN-24029 <>`_","Center","Ability to send authentication codes through Google OTP secondary authentication and webhooks during agent authentication and RADIUS authentication",""
    "102436","`GN-24020 <>`_","WebUI","Adding parameters for functions added to the Applications REST API",""
    "102436","`GN-24010 <>`_","WebUI","Modified so that when the sensor name is changed, the sensor names of the nodes belonging to the sensor are changed immediately",""
    "102436","`GN-23980 <>`_","Center","Improved so that emails are sent to multiple email accounts when sending query report emails",""
    "102436","`GN-23964 <>`_","WebUI, Windows Agent","Node Information - Show virtual type for connection method in interface information",""
    "102436","`GN-23953 <>`_","WebUI","Self-signed certificate regeneration and externally generated SSL certificate registration function",""
    "102436","`GN-23943 <>`_","Center","Improved the part where Hangul is displayed when generating an English audit log",""
    "102436","`GN-23930 <>`_","WebUI","Support for custom encryption algorithm methods",""
    "102436","`GN-23918 <>`_","WebUI","A problem where two or more of the same standalone plug-in actions can be included in a node policy",""
    "102436","`GN-23896 <>`_","WebUI","Performance improvements such as removing JOIN queries when querying a list query on the node detail screen",""
    "102436","`GN-23895 <>`_","Authsync","Improved so that it can be linked up to Oracle Database 19c",""
    "102436","`GN-23880 <>`_","Linux Agent","Linux Agent, an issue where the agent works abnormally when changing the OS login user or logging out Linux Agent, re-logging in",""
    "102436","`GN-23869 <>`_","Windows Agent","Adding a 5.0 Version ""Http URL Authentication"" Custom Plug-in",""
    "102436","`GN-23865 <>`_","Windows Agent","Added a custom plugin for hostname authentication in version 5.0",""
    "102436","`GN-23861 <>`_","WebUI","Improved Cloud Sensor registration function",""
    "102436","`GN-23852 <>`_","WebUI","Improved to enable Google OTP second authentication in CWP",""
    "102436","`GN-23833 <>`_","WebUI","Template modification function added to Security Group detail screen",""
    "102436","`GN-23831 <>`_","WebUI","Modify the time period setting in the flow log widget to output a subtitle",""
    "102436","`GN-23825 <>`_","Linux Agent","Linux Agent adds a function to operate with the previous policy when the center connection is not possible",""
    "102436","`GN-23817 <>`_","IPMGMT, WebUI","Improvement of the IP application system email step-by-step approval method",""
    "102436","`GN-23802 <>`_","WebUI","Improved software update guidance - provides separate patch and upgrade",""
    "102436","`GN-23752 <>`_","Linux Agent","Linux Agent, new distribution and version information added",""
    "102436","`GN-23749 <>`_","Linux Agent","Linux Agent develops a function to check the latest TmaxOS updates",""
    "102436","`GN-23731 <>`_","WebUI","Security Group Terraform tf file download function",""
    "102436","`GN-23724 <>`_","WebUI","Added a CONF_OPTIONS item that reflects the default initial value according to the CONF engine's choices",""
    "102436","`GN-23722 <>`_","Linux Agent","Linux Agent, interface control action development",""
    "102436","`GN-23698 <>`_","WebUI","Add relevant content to the widget schema to set link targets",""
    "102436","`GN-23644 <>`_","GenianOS","Added some missing file system checks at boot time",""
    "102436","`GN-23468 <>`_","Center","Improved so that other webhook APIs can be called using the Webhook API call results",""
    "102436","`GN-23221 <>`_","Windows Agent","Chrome and Edge option controls added to IE security option control plug-in",""
    "102436","`GN-23212 <>`_","Ubuntu(Debian)","[General-purpose OS] Repository separation work for installing each genian-nac version",""
    "102436","`GN-23210 <>`_","macOS Agent","macOS ZTNA connection manager plugin added",""
    "102436","`GN-23189 <>`_","macOS Agent","macOS Agent appearance and personalization plug-in - adds screensavers and desktop controls",""
    "102436","`GN-22690 <>`_","WebUI","Audit log limit function - An issue where all logs are displayed in the audit log even when the node management scope is limited",""
    "102436","`GN-22074 <>`_","WebUI","Improved SAML authentication integration to support 2 or more IdPs (Authentication Information Providers)",""
    "102436","`GN-21279 <>`_","CLOUD","Improved so that files can be attached when sending emails via AWS SES",""

Issues Fixed
.. csv-table::
    :header: "Revision", "Key", "Components", "Description", "Affects Versions"
    :class: datatable
    :widths: 10 10 15 60 15

    "103817","`GN-24691 <>`_","Center","A problem where a log is generated when a node registered through a switch is registered by a sensor","5.0.43, 6.0.0"
    "103760","`GN-24683 <>`_","Sensor","An issue where the sensor daemon abnormally terminates due to an incorrect memory reference after starting a DHCP scan","4.0.2"
    "103726","`GN-24724 <>`_","Windows Agent","An issue where agent action policies are applied late after transitioning from an external to an internal network state","5.0.40, 6.0.0"
    "103639","`GN-24284 <>`_","WebUI","When assigning directly from the IP application approval screen, an error occurs when approval is performed after changing the management sensor","5.0.13"
    "103620","`GN-24682 <>`_","WebUI","A problem where IPs are not assigned in reverse order when the approval method for each IP use is automatic approval","5.0.44, 6.0.2"
    "103614","`GN-24684 <>`_","WebUI","An unresponsive issue when logging in to an account ( on the license screen","5.0.20"
    "103517","`GN-24617 <>`_","WebUI","An issue where the added node type (virtual sensor, agent sensor) is missing from the node group settings list and the search field conditions in the node list","5.0.40"
    "103488","`GN-24597 <>`_","Center","An issue where node groups cannot be included due to agent version comparison conditions","5.0.16, 6.0.0"
    "103432","`GN-24485 <>`_","macOS Agent","An issue where macOS Agent memory continues to grow","4.0.0, 5.0.0, 6.0.1"
    "103404","`GN-24644 <>`_","Center","An issue where the center daemon dies intermittently when updating ARP management plug-in information","5.0.43, 6.0.0, 4.0.146"
    "103399","`GN-24658 <>`_","OpenVPN","An issue where the authenticated user is incorrectly displayed when connecting to ZTNA Client with an ID of 9 or more digits","6.0.0"
    "103384","`GN-24678 <>`_","Sensor","An issue where some information is missing when collecting SNMP v3 switch information","5.0.44, 6.0.1"
    "103342","`GN-23923 <>`_","Windows Agent","A problem where the information collection plug-in collects empty information and deletes node information","5.0.0"
    "103247","`GN-24619 <>`_","Center","A problem where the node type of a manual registration switch is changed to a network device due to a node information scan","5.0.14"
    "103224","`GN-24582 <>`_","Center","Symptoms that an authorized object does not work when copying a control policy from a mirror sensor","4.0.116, 5.0.13"
    "103213","`GN-24622 <>`_","Enforcer","An issue where the Enforcer kernel module panics due to incorrect garbage values during the node information update process","6.0.1"
    "103093","`GN-24586 <>`_","Windows Agent","Some SW were not collected due to the software information collection plug-in and a DB error occurred","5.0.43, 6.0.0"
    "103048","`GN-24603 <>`_","Center","The problem of not updating the control policy permission cache when adding a new control policy or changing the control policy using/not using the control policy","4.0.M2"
    "102987","`GN-24593 <>`_","Enforcer","A problem where the node status changes to down by performing a healthcheck on a node registered to the virtual sensor","5.0.32"
    "102950","`GN-24358 <>`_","Center","A problem where a normal node other than a virtual sensor is set as an agent sensor if the virtual sensor and IP are the same","5.0.40"
    "102867","`GN-24544 <>`_","Sensor","An issue where WOL packets are sent to the wrong interface","5.0.40"
    "102836","`GN-24375 <>`_","","The problem of not being able to organize ES backups (Snapshots)","5.0.42"
    "102798","`GN-24350 <>`_","WebUI","A problem where the settings UI is not displayed properly when changing the settings of the node action being used","5.0.45, 6.0.2"
    "102557","`GN-24364 <>`_","WebUI","IP collision protection - the problem of not being able to set multiple MACs","5.0.42, 6.0.0"
    "102509","`GN-24467 <>`_","WebUI","A problem where the list is not output when adding a rank column from the node management list","5.0.33"
    "102500","`GN-24479 <>`_","WebUI","An issue where the NAC license text may be output even though the license has not been exceeded","4.1.M3"
    "102436","`GN-24598 <>`_","Enforcer, Sensor","Fixed abnormal earlyrole behavior when setting “if not a member” AND “if not a member” in node group conditions","4.0.114, 5.0.11"
    "102436","`GN-24415 <>`_","Authsync","Library path error when synchronizing Cloud NAC Oracle information","5.0.45, 6.0.2"
    "102436","`GN-24346 <>`_","Authsync","[CLOUD] An issue where information synchronization takes a long time to complete","5.0.23"
    "102436","`GN-24307 <>`_","Center, Sensor","A symptom occurs where the node role is not delivered to the sensor when the IPs of a node group composed only of IP are changed","5.0.11, 6.0.0"
    "102436","`GN-24273 <>`_","","A problem where users are not authenticated when connecting to ZTNA Client","6.0.1"
    "102436","`GN-24268 <>`_","WebUI","An issue where automatic node snapshot report generation fails","6.0.0"
    "102436","`GN-24261 <>`_","Center","An issue where the HA VIP node's Device Type is registered as a NODE","5.0.40"
    "102436","`GN-24254 <>`_","RADIUSD","When the RADIUS daemon is stopped, the winbindd daemon does not stop and remains a problem","5.0.35"
    "102436","`GN-24194 <>`_","Center","An issue where user groups cannot be reapplied when updating user passwords","5.0.44"
    "102436","`GN-24188 <>`_","WebUI","An issue where the screen does not move after processing priority use approval of the application form for items awaiting email approval","5.0.13"
    "102436","`GN-24153 <>`_","WebUI","IP Management > There are matrices that are not properly output in Matrix View","4.0.12"
    "102436","`GN-24147 <>`_","WebUI","<br>Fixed a tag display issue in the audit log description column tooltip ","5.0.22"
    "102436","`GN-24139 <>`_","Windows Agent","A problem where the total storage capacity is incorrectly collected when collecting storage device information","4.1.0, 5.0.0, 6.0.0"
    "102436","`GN-24136 <>`_","WebUI","A problem where the image path is displayed in the node group setting value when (comma) is present in the node action name","5.0.14"
    "102436","`GN-24120 <>`_","WebUI","Management role management screen > An error occurred when creating a service role","5.0.42"
    "102436","`GN-24113 <>`_","WebUI","An error where menu restriction settings cannot be disabled when modifying a management role","5.0.0"
    "102436","`GN-24110 <>`_","Windows Agent","An issue where incorrect authentication values are linked to the Smart NAC alternate authentication plug-in","5.0.41"
    "102436","`GN-24092 <>`_","WebUI","A problem where input items do not change depending on the selected item when setting node group conditions","5.0.20"
    "102436","`GN-24085 <>`_","WebUI","A problem where a password cannot be entered when importing users from the user management screen ","5.0.40"
    "102436","`GN-24071 <>`_","WebUI","An issue where the identity verification item is not displayed on the CWP new user registration screen","5.0.42, 6.0.0"
    "102436","`GN-24011 <>`_","RADIUSD","A problem where RADIUS authentication fails when the number of RADIUS attributes is high","5.0.24"
    "102436","`GN-24005 <>`_","Center","The problem of not being able to download when using the file distribution plug-in https URL","4.0.0, 5.0.0"
    "102436","`GN-24002 <>`_","Linux Agent","Linux Agent, the issue where the tray icon is not displayed","5.0.42, 6.0.0"
    "102436","`GN-23997 <>`_","WebUI","A problem where an error message is output when clicking the edit button for the object in the permission object's condition settings","5.0.25"
    "102436","`GN-23962 <>`_","WebUI","An issue where special characters are not assigned to a control policy if the permission object ID contains special characters","4.0.M8"
    "102436","`GN-23952 <>`_","IPMGMT","The problem of not being able to automatically log in and log in to the IP application system when using http","5.0.27"
    "102436","`GN-23950 <>`_","Authsync","The problem of not being synchronized when synchronizing csv information using https ","4.0.5"
    "102436","`GN-23949 <>`_","CWP","An issue where when registering a new user, an approval request email is sent even if the visitor's email approval is disabled ","4.0.M8"
    "102436","`GN-23925 <>`_","Sensor","An issue where local network packets for an interface added as an Alias IP are forwarded to the Default Gateway","5.0.42"
    "102436","`GN-23917 <>`_","Sensor","An issue where virtual IPs are not registered when adding virtual IPs manually","5.0.41, 6.0.0"
    "102436","`GN-23891 <>`_","","A problem where authentication is attempted even if the connection fails from the primary server when linking LDAP authentication","5.0.15, 4.0.137"
    "102436","`GN-23855 <>`_","Center","Improved so that when the switch is manually registered, the sensor tree switch information is updated when the same switch exists with an IP in a different network band","4.0.117, 5.0.14"
    "102436","`GN-23836 <>`_","","Changes in how IP Mobility duplicate node registrations are prevented","6.0.1"
    "102436","`GN-23835 <>`_","Center","An issue where node group conditions cannot be set related to the Equipment Lifecycle Management Additional Field (NI_CUSTOM)","4.0.129, 5.0.26"
    "102436","`GN-23819 <>`_","WebUI","Error where custom web application cannot be set because the link to the tomcat webapps folder does not exist","5.0.40"
    "102436","`GN-23760 <>`_","Enforcer, Sensor","Redundant poisoning issues during VXLAN tunneling","6.0.1"