Configuring Interface IP Addresses

.. note:: Many common issues can be resolved by rebooting the appliance, which
          reloads your configurations, and purges outdated settings. After
          verifying configurations, rebooting is a good next step in

Checking Interface IP Address

Before making changes, check the configuration of the interface.

Enter "show configuration | grep interface [interface name]" as seen below:

   .. code:: bash

    genian# show configuration | grep interface eth1
    interface eth1 address
    interface eth1 gateway
    genian# exit

If an interface has an IP/ Gateway and DHCP enabled, it will not function. One
must be removed.

Configure the Interface as a Static IP

To define an IP address and gateway for an interface(eth0, eth1, etc.) or sub
interface(eth0.10, eth0.20,etc.):

   .. code-block:: bash

    genian> enable
    genian# configure terminal
    genian(config)# interface eth1 address X.X.X.X X.X.X.X
    genian(config)# interface eth1 gateway X.X.X.X
    genian(config)# exit

To Remove a Static IP from an interface:

 .. code-block:: bash

    genian> enable
    genian# configure terminal
    genian(config)# no interface eth1 address X.X.X.X X.X.X.X
    genian(config)# no interface eth1 gateway X.X.X.X

Configure the Interface as a DHCP Client

To configure the interface or sub interface as a DHCP Client:

 .. code:: bash

    genian> enable
    genian# configure terminal
    genian(config)# interface eth1 dhcp enable
    genian(config)# exit

To Remove DHCP Client Status from an interface:

 .. code-block:: bash

    genian> enable
    genian# configure terminal
    genian(config)# no interface eth1 dhcp enable