.. _manage-messages:

Editing System Messages

Genian ZTNA provides the ability to change multilingual (Korean, Japanese,
English, Chinese) messages displayed in the Genian ZTNA system.

You can use the Change Message feature to insert or change words
and phrases to suit your site.

#. Go to **Preferences** in the top panel.
#. Select **Message** in the **Captive Web Portal** item on the left.
#. Click on the **Message ID** you want to change.
#. Edit the **Message content** corresponding to the **Language** you want to change. (Korean, Japanese, English, Chinese)
#. Click the **Update** button.


- You can preview Markdown, HTML.
- Depending on the message, some parts may be displayed with Markdown and some with HTML. You can set the type of application for the message to be displayed in the UI and view the preview.

Check Message Type

Messages are categorized by the following types:

.. list-table::
   :widths: 3 15
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Type
     - Explanation
   * - **Web Console**
     - Requests and System Messages provided shown in the Web console.
   * - **CWP**
     - Messages related to node status shown in the CWP page.
   * - **Agent**
     - Messages shown in the agent pop-up notification window.
   * - **Log**
     - Messages shown in the Policy Server audit record.
   * - **Message**
     - Notification messages related to user authentication.