.. _node-updown-status:

Configuring Node Network Connection Health Checks
Genian ZTNA an check node network connection status utilizing the Network sensor
Collected note connection status information can used by Network usage trends and Node group's Criteria

.. note:: Min Period is set as default for Node health check method. 

#. Go to **system** in the top of panel
#. Go to **System > System** in the left System Management panel
#. Find the **Network Sensor** and click **CheckBox** (multiple choice available)
#. Click **Tasks > Edit Appliance Settings**
#. Find **Miscellaneous> Whether to check node status** 
#. Click **CheckBox** and select **ON**
#. Find **Node health check method** and choose **Status Scans period** 
#. Click ``Run``

Genian ZTNA Node health check method

Genian ZTNA Node health check method is listed below:

.. list-table::
   :widths: 3 10 12
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Method
     - Description
     - Recommendations
   * - Min Period
     - Set the period for sending ARP Request to perform node health check
     - Recommend to configure for managing Class C Network Sensor
   * - Number of Count
     - Set the number of sending ARP Request to perform node health check
     - Recommend to configure for managing Class C Network Sensor

1. Min Period option process flow

This guide decribes the Min Period process flow based on default setting of Scan Period 15 second(s).

.. list-table::
   :widths: 3 10 12
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Sequence
     - Process
     - Description
   * - 1
     - Check ARP packets from node to network sensor for the first 120 seconds (2 minutes)
     - Keep node status UP, if ARP packets received
   * - 2
     - The network sensor sends an ARP Request to the node during the inspection time of 180 seconds (3 minutes)
     - Keep node status UP when node response occurs within 12 (180/15)
   * - 3
     - Change the node state to DOWN if there are no packets or responses within 300 seconds (5 minutes)
     - ARP requests are not sent to nodes once they are marked as down

2. Number of Count process flow

This guide decribes the Number of Count process flow based on default setting of Scan times 256.

.. list-table::
   :widths: 3 10 12
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Sequence
     - Process
     - Description
   * - 1
     - Check ARP packets from node to network sensor for the first 120 seconds (2 minutes)
     - Keep node status UP, if ARP packets received
   * - 2
     - The network sensor sends an ARP Request to the node during the inspection time of 180 seconds (3 minutes)
     - All nodes are checked every 4 seconds(256/1024). And Keep node status UP when node response occurs within 45 (180/4)
   * - 3
     - Change the node state to DOWN if there are no packets or responses within 300 seconds (5 minutes)
     - ARP requests are not sent to nodes once they are marked as down