Managing System Software

.. warning:: Updates are only available for licensed Policy Servers with an active Maintenance subscription.

Checking System Software Versions

Software packages are identified by four parts. Name, Revision Number, Version
Number, and Revision Date.

- **NAC-CT** – Policy Server Software
- **NAC-SS** – Sensor Software
- **NAC-AGENT** – Agent Software

.. image:: /images/Genians-Revision-Numbering2.png
   :width: 300 px

In addition to the software installed on the Policy Server or the Network
Sensor, the Policy Server may also store a software image to be used for
updating at a later time. For example, a Policy Server with version 5.0.19
installed may have a copy of Version 5.0.20 that can be used for updating the
Policy Server, Network Sensors, or Agents at a later time.

**System > Update > Genian Software** will display the newest version of
software stored on your Policy Server, even if it is not installed.

You can see the software version installed on individual Policy Servers and
Sensors by navigating to **System** in the top panel. All appliances will be
shown in the view pane along with the installed software.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1

ZTNA Operational Data Management

Download the latest data from the Genian Cloud Server.

- **CVE Update information**, Information about vulnerabilities in platforms.
- **Node information**, Data for gathering platform information
- **OS Update Information**, Information about updating your device operating system
- **PI Update Information**, Data for classifying platform information
- **Platform Information**, Data for detecting operating systems

Setting up automatic update of Genian data

automatically update the latest data with the Genian Cloud Server and periodic version checks.

#. Go to **Preferences** in the top panel.
#. Select **General > Miscellaneous** item on the left
#. Set the time and action in the Genian Data Settings topic

(*Genian Data updates are set to work by default.*)
(*To update Genian data, the 'Internet Access' option must be enabled in Miscellaneous settings.*)

Manually update Genian data

#. Go to **System > Update > Genian Software** in the top panel.
#. Click the ``Update``` button at the top left.
#. If there is a new version, the update will be done automatically.