.. _user-job: Manage job titles =================== You can manage titles by adding or deleting available titles to your account. You can define user groups using user titles, and create node groups based on the user groups defined. Based on the node group created, you can specify a policy as the target for enforcement in the Genian NAC. Adding Job Titles ------------------ #. Go to **Management > User** in the top panel #. Go to **Job Titles** in the left panel #. Click ``Tasks`` **> Create** #. Enter the following: - Job Title Code - Job Title #. Click ``Save`` Deleting Jot Titles ------------------- #. Go to **Management > User** in the top panel #. Go to **Job Titles** in the left panel #. Check the check box on the left side of the Job Title you want to delete. #. Click ``Tasks`` **> Delete** Import Job Titles CSV File ----------------------------- When creating a user job title, create job titles based on a predefined file in the form of an external CSV file. #. Go to **Management > User** in the top panel #. Go to **Job Titles** in the left panel #. Click ``Tasks`` **> Import** #. Click ``Select File`` to select the CSV file to import #. Click ``Run`` .. note:: The CSV file is downloaded through the download icon on the left side of the TASK button, and is used by following the form.