Integrating Cisco ASA - Applying Dynamic ACLs ============================================= If users are accessing your network using Cisco ASA (or a comparable solution) as a VPN gateway, you can use the Genians RADIUS Server to apply a dACL to perform role based access control to various network resources. .. image:: /images/vpn-dacl.png :width: 600 px Integrating the Radius Server ----------------------------- First, ensure that the RADIUS Server is properly configured, and that your settings are compatible with your VPN environment. See: :doc:`/controlling/radius-intro` Next, configure Genian NAC as an Authentication Server in your VPN settings, by entering the **Shared Secret**, **Server Address**, **Authentication Port**, **Accounting Port**, and other info, as shown in the example below: .. image:: /images/cisco_vpn_radius_integration_1.png Configuring dACL ---------------- This can be accomplished by configuring an **RADIUS Policy**, and setting the **Access Policy** to **ACCEPT**, then setting **Cisco InBound ACL** for **Additional Attributes**. In this example, we will use the **User-Name** attribute, and the Genians **User Group** feature to limit group members network access to a single server. #. Go to **Policy** in the top panel. #. Go to **Policy > RADIUS Policy** in the left panel. #. Click **Tasks > Create** #. For **General**, input **Name**, **Priority**, and activation **Status**. #. For **Conditions**, select **Attribute**. For this example, select **User-Name**. #. Set **Operator** and **Value** to **user is one of the User Group** and **[Your User Group]** #. Click **Add** button. #. For **Policy**, choose to **ACCEPT** Authentication Requests that match the attribute conditions, and select **Cisco InBound ACL** for **Additional Attributes** #. For **Value**, enter a Cisco ACL, example: .. code-block:: none Permit ip any host deny ip any any #. Click **Add** button. #. Click **Create** button. When an Authentication request is accepted from a member of the selected group, the access control list will be applied, thus limiting access to network resources. For more info on on authorization through RADIUS Attributes, see: :doc:`/controlling/radius/configure-authorization`