Configuring Wireless Connection Manager ======================================= Wireless Connection Manager provides convenience for wireless connection configuration. - WCM makes it easier for users to use wireless LAN than the built-in wireless connection service offered by Windows - WCM provides 802.1x authentication Policy Server communicates with the Agent to configure Wireless Connections with auto-connect, auto-reconnect, preferring specific networks, and much more. This Agent Action requires a configured Wlan Policy for use. Wlan Policy ----------- **Wlan Policies** are made up of **AP Profiles** and **Client Profiles** They can be used along with the endpoint agent to set preferences and restrictions for accessing wireless networks. To configure a Wlan Policy follow the steps below: Creating AP Profile ''''''''''''''''''' For Creating AP Profile, please refer to :doc:`/onboarding/apply-ap-profile` Creating Client Profile ''''''''''''''''''''''' For Creating AP Profile, please refer to :doc:`/onboarding/apply-client-profile` Creating Wlan Policy '''''''''''''''''''' #. Navigate to **Policy > Wlan Policy**. #. Select **Tasks > Create**. #. Enter the SSID(s) to be authorized for use. #. Under **RADIUS Policy**, select a User group to allow for authentication. #. Select **Client** and **AP profiles** to apply to the policy. #. Click **Save**. Plugin Configuration -------------------- #. Go to **Policy** in the top panel. #. Go to **Policy > Node Policy > Agent Action** in the left Policy panel. #. Find and click **Wireless Connection Manager** in the Agent Action window. Under **General** section: #. For **CWP Message**, add message to be displayed in accordance with the Policy. #. For **Label**, add labels to help categorize your plugins with custom labels that appear in the "Description" field. Under **Agent Actions** section: #. For **Boolean Operator**, choose **AND** or **OR** to add optional conditions. #. For **Settings**, click **Add** and select your optional conditions. **Criteria/Operator/Value** Under **Plugin Settings** section: #. For **WLAN Policy**, click **Assign** to assign a WLAN Policy. #. For **Wireless Connection Manager**, turn **On** to enable Wireless Connection Manager. - **Enforcing Wireless Connection Manager**, turn **On** to force the Wireless Connection Manager to run. - **Hiding Wireless Connection Manager for Wired**, specify whether to hide Wireless Connection Manager when a wired network is connected. - **Auto-Reconnect**, specify whether to automatically reconnect to a wireless network allowed with the strongest signal. - **Password Expiry Notification**, adjust time to allow a user to change password. (*hours - months*) - **Preferred Wireless Network**, specify whether the user connects to preferred wireless or wireless with strongest signal. - **Display Username**, use this field to display Username. - **Display Password**, use this field to display Password. - **Enabling Save Username**, turn **On** to allow user to save Username. - **Enabling Save Password**, turn **On** to allow user to save Password. - **Enabling Auto-Connect**, turn **On** to allow the latest wireless network to be connected automatically. - **Window Image**, click **Upload** to load a BMP file for the dialog box. - **Window Color**, specify a color for the dialog box. - **Font Color**, specify a color for the text in the dialog box. - **Contents for Window**, type to enter contents in the dialog box. - **HTML**, turn **On** to use HTML for contents to be displayed in the dialog box. - **Program at Log On**, click **Add** to add a Program to launch when user logs in. Specify Path or CLI parameter. #. If **Wireless Connection Manager** Option set **Off**, Installed Wireless Connection Manager application will be removed. - if **Wireless Connection Manager** Action Policy is Disabled or removed on the applied Node Policy, Installed Wireless Connection Manager application will be removed also. #. Click **Update** #. Go to **Node Policy** in the left Policy panel. #. Click the **Default Policy** in Node Policy window. #. Find **Agent Action** and Click **Assign** #. Find **Wireless Connection Manager** in the **Available** section. Select and drag it into the **Selected** section. #. Click **Add** #. Click **Update**