.. _managing-nodegroups: Managing Node Groups ==================== Creating a Node Group --------------------- A **Node Group** is a group of **Nodes** that are similar to each other based off of certain conditions. **Node Groups** allow you take action on many **Nodes** at once versus the same action on many individual **Nodes**. Genian NAC provides two types of **Node Groups**: - **Policy Group**: is group based on Node-related information such as Node type, IP/MAC information, User information, Authentication, and more. - **Node Group**: is group based on the Node status, measured by Node Policies and the outcome of associated conditions. Only **Policy Groups** may be linked to **Node Policies**, while all group types may be linked to **Enforcement Policies** #. Click **Policy** in the top panel #. Go to **Group > Node** in the left Policy panel #. Click **Tasks > Create for Node Policy** or **Create** Under **General** #. For **Category**, Choose default or Create New (*This allows you to categorize your Node Groups*) #. For **ID**, type unique name #. For **Description** (*Brief description of what this Node Group is for*) #. For **Status**, **Enabled** #. Enter the following in Condition section: - Boolean: “**AND**” or “**OR**” (*”AND” all conditions have to apply. “OR” any of the conditions have to apply*) - Settings: Click **Add** (*These are the various conditions to be applied for proper grouping*) #. Click **Add** #. Click **Save** #. Click **Apply** in top right corner Node Group Settings ------------------- Favorite a Node Group ''''''''''''''''''''' To pin a node group to the top of the list, you can **Star** a node group by clicking the **Star** to the left of the node group name in the view pane. Edit Node Group Category '''''''''''''''''''''''' You can change the **Name** or **Link Color** of a node group category to make them more easily recognized. #. Click the Category name in the left panel. #. Click **Tasks > Update Category** #. Fill in the desired **Name** #. Click the **Color** form to enter the desired Hex Color code, or use the included selector tool. #. After selecting, click **Ok** #. Click **Update** Import / Export Node Group in JSON Format ----------------------------------------- Genian NAC Supports importing and exporting node group configurations in json format. To import or export a node group in json format: #. Click **Policy** in the top panel #. Go to **Group > Node** in the left Policy panel #. Click **Tasks > Export Node Group** (select node group) or **Import Node Group**