.. _admin-account: Administrator Accounts ====================== You can manage your Administrators by adding, deleting, and adding various restrictions To Add Administrator -------------------- #. Go to **Management > User** in the top panel #. Click **Tasks > Add User** General ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. For **Username**, type a username #. For **Name**, type in full name #. For **Administrator Role**, select a optional Role for Administrator #. For **Description**, type optional description #. For **Purpose**, select **Disabled** #. For **Status**, select **Enabled** (*You can choose **Disable** to disable the account temporarily) #. For **Expiry**, click **Checkbox** and choose date and time by clicking in empty space Password Reset ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. For **Password**, type password #. For **Password Confirmation**, re-type password Authentication Restrictions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. For **Number of Auth IPs**, specify the number of authorized IPs this account can use (*0-256 or leave blank*) #. For **Number of Auth MACs**, specify the number of authorized MACs this account can use (*0-256 or leave blank*) #. For **Number of Auth Devices**, specify the number of authorized devices this account can use (*0-256 or leave blank*) #. For **Auth IPs**, specify IP Addresses separated by commas or leave blank to not restrict #. For **Auth MACs**, specify MAC Addresses separated by commas or leave blank to not restrict #. For **Auth Node Groups**, specify Node Groups separated by commas or leave blank to not restrict Setting Login ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. For **Web Console IP1**, Specify comma-separated IP addresses or enter them in CIDR form #. For **Web Console IP2**, Specify comma-separated IP addresses or enter them in CIDR form #. For **2-step authentication**, Select Text message or Google Authentication (OTP) or Disable to disable it #. For **Time Zone**, Select the time zone for that administrator. #. For **API Key**, If you are using the REST API, click the Generate API KEY button to generate the API key. Notification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. For **Notification Option**, Check if you want to receive notifications about user registration request, IP request, or external device request. The Administrator can receive an New event occurrence alarm for selected item. #. For **Mobile Phone**, If you want to receive notifications by SMS, enter your phone number with your country code. #. For **Email**, Enter an email to receive email notifications. (Required) Management Restrictions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The management restriction setting is an item that you set when you create a non-Superadmin administrator account to restrict the permissions of the administrator account. - Restricted administrator role to Sensor Manager, IP Manager, User Manager, etc. - :ref:`management-restriction` Trusted Connection Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set up a trusted client that calls the REST API externally. #. For **IP Pattern**, Sets the IP pattern of trusted clients calling the REST API. #. For **URL Pattern**, Sets the trusted URL pattern for REST API calls. User Information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. For **Company**, type Company Name #. For **Department**, select optional department (*To create Department go to Users > Departments > Tasks > Create*) #. For **Email**, type in Email address #. For **Mobile Phone**, type in phone number using format of your choice (*e.g. 123-456-7890, or 1234567890*) #. For **Job Title**, select optional Job Title (*To create Job Title go to Users > Job Titles > Tasks > Create*) #. For **Telephone**, type in phone number using format of your choice (*e.g. 123-456-7890, or 1234567890*) .. note:: | The administrator can receive **Find ID/PWD authentication mail, User Acconut/IP/External Device/User Change request approve mail, Node list's bulk action Send Email** by User Information Email. Remove Administrator -------------------- #. Go to **Management > User** in the top panel #. Find and click **Checkbox** of user to delete #. Click **Tasks > Remove User** #. Click **Ok** .. _admin-account-adminrole: Configure Administrator Role Options --------------------------------------- activate, edit, or add a predefined Administrator Role. - assign the registered administrator role to users. - restrict menus and restrict permissions with detailed settings. #. Go to Preferences in the top management menu. #. Select **Administrator Role** in the left panel. #. From the right screen, select Administrator. Create Administrator Role ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Click the Tasks > Create button. #. For **General**, Administrator role ID, description, landing page URL, status, menu restrictions. #. For **Permission Setting**, Detailed permission settings for systems, policies, administration, logs, and subscription systems. #. Click Save botton. Administrator role settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Go to **Management > User** in the top panel #. Click the user ID to assign the administrator role. #. In the General entry, select the Role you want to assign a value for the Administrator Role option. #. Click the Update button at the bottom. * Specify permissions within Management Console.