.. _agent-plugin-update: Updating Agent Plugins ======================== Individual agent plug-in files can be uploaded and updated via the Web Console. .. note:: For individual plug-in files, please contact Genians Technical Support. #. Go to **System** in the top panel. #. Select **Update > Genian Software > Agent Plugins** in the left System Management panel. #. Click **Tasks** and select **Upload Plugins**. #. Click the **Select File** button to select the plug-in file (extension: gpf) to be uploaded. #. Click **Upload**. checking Agent Plugin Versions ------------------------------- **To check the plugin versions installed on the Policy Server:** #. Go to **System** in the top panel. #. Select **Update > Genian Software > Agent Plugins** in the left System Management panel. #. Check the information in the **Version** column of the Plugin of interest. **To check the plugin versions installed on an endpoint:** #. Go to **Management > Node** in the top panel. #. Select the node you want to inspect and then navigate to the **Software** tab #. Near the top right corner of the **Programs** table, toggle the **Include Agent** switch. #. Check the information in the **Version** column of the Plugin of interest, which will be displayed as **Genian Agent Plugin - [Plugin Name]**.