2-Step Authentication ===================== Genian NAC uses 2-Step Authentication (AKA 2 Factor Authentication , 2fa , mfa ) with OTP Google Authenticator to add a second level of authentication to an account log-in. Once Google Authenticator is installed a QR Code will display so you can scan it with your smartphone or tablet. A six digit code will then be presented to then enter as the final step in your 2-Step Authentication. (*Google Authenticator six-digit code is continuously changing so enter it in quickly*) Step 1. Enable 2-Step Authentication For Administrator Account -------------------------------------------------------------- #. Go to **Management > User** in the top panel #. Go to **Administrators** in the left User Management panel #. Find and click **Username** of Administrator account in the main Administrators window #. Find and click **Administrator** tab #. Find **General: 2-Step Authentication** section in the main window #. Click **OTP (Google Authenticator)** in drop-down #. Find **Notification Options** section. Enter the following: - **Mobile Phone** (*e.g. 123-456-7890*) - **Display Phone Number** (*This is an optional number you want visible to sender*) - **Email** (*Multiple Email Addresses separated by commas*) #. Click **Update** Step 2. Enable 2-Step Authentication For The Policy Server ---------------------------------------------------------- #. Go to **Preferences** in the top panel #. Go to **General > Console** in the left Preferences panel #. Find **Web Console: 2-Step Verification Methods** section in the main Console window #. Click **Checkbox** for **OTP (Google Authenticator)** #. Click **Update** Step 3. Setup Google Authenticator ---------------------------------- #. On your **Mobile Phone** go to **App Store** to download **Google Authenticator** #. Logout from Policy Server UI and Login again #. 2-Step Authentication wizard appears to setup Google Authenticator #. Click **Start** #. Select **Mobile Phone** type, **Android** or **iPhone** #. Select **Application Method** to Install via **QR Code** (*QR Code will appear as an example*) #. Click **OK** then **Next** (*Make sure you have Google Authenticator installed on Mobile Phone and ready to scan QR Code*) #. Select **QR Code** in drop-down and then click **Generate Security Key** #. Using **Mobile Phone** scan the **QR Code** that was just generated #. Mobile Phone will present a **6 digit code** that you will need to remember and quickly enter it into the **Google Authenticator Wizard** #. Click **OK**