Network Sensor is displayed as Failsafe ======================================= Symptom ------- The Network Sensor is displayed as Failsafe in the Node management or Sensor management. Cause ----- The Network Sensor periodically sends a UDP keepalive packet to the Policy Server, which will reply in the same session with an acknowledgement. If there is a Policy update, the Policy Server will notify the Sensor in the acknowledgement. If the Sensor is made aware of new policy information, it will attempt to start a TCP session with the Policy server over HTTPS on port 443. If this TCP session fails to initiate 5 times, the Sensor status will display as Failsafe. Resolution ---------- Check Connectivity '''''''''''''''''' - Verify communication path between policy server and network sensor on port 443. Ensure necessary exceptions on firewalls or other appliances. - Through SSH on the Policy Server and Network Sensor, inspect traffic from the other component using the command: ``tcpdump -i eth0 host [source IP]`` Check Network Sensor Interface Status ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' - Through SSH on the Network Sensor, enter the command: ``show interface eth[#]`` - Default interface is eth0. Check Policy Server / Network Sensor Debug '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Using SSH on the Policy Server and Network Sensor follow the steps below: .. code-block:: bash genian> en genian# @shell Genians$ Cat /disk/data/logs/system/centerd | grep ” ERRMSG=SOAP” > network_err Genians$ Cat ./network_err | grep [Policy Server or Network Sensor IP Address] 443