Genian ZTNA 6.0.26 (LTS) Release Notes (2025-02-03)

Last Updated: 2025-02-03

New Features and Improvements

Revision Key Components Description Affects Versions
130257 GN-28738   Agent Windows Server 2022 support  
130257 GN-28564 Sensor [Mirror sensor] Structural improvements to improve performance  
130257 GN-28543 WebUI Provides a function to search for sensors in the management sensor section on the node registration screen  
130257 GN-28515 macOS Agent macOS agent improves tray icon update speed showing ZTNA connection status  
130257 GN-28498 macOS Agent Improved to enable OTP registration during OTP secondary authentication in macOS ZTNA Connection Manager  
130257 GN-28470 Windows Agent DNS control plug-in provides an option to set the sensor address as default DNS  
130257 GN-28469 macOS Agent Improved to enable OTP registration during OTP secondary authentication with the macOS agent authentication window  
130257 GN-28462 Center Improved to enable authentication queries after password conversion when linking LDAP authentication  
130257 GN-28446 Linux Agent UI and CLI improvements to guide apps other than Google OTP apps in Linux Agent and OTP secondary authentication  
130257 GN-28445 Windows Agent UI improvements to guide apps other than Google OTP apps in OTP secondary authentication with an in-layer window  
130257 GN-28444 WebUI Improved so that when using the SAML JIT Provisioning function, the IdP's group name works even if the group name is set different from the NAC (SP) management role (Adminstator Role) ID  
130257 GN-28441 macOS Agent macOS agent adds integrity check after successful connection to center 5.0.0, 6.0.0
130257 GN-28437 Center Improved so that different client profiles can be applied to wireless LAN policies with the same SSID  
130257 GN-28432 macOS Agent macOS ZTNA connection plugin OpenVPN update 6.0.13
130257 GN-28408 WebUI Improved so that the text size of big number type widgets can be displayed fluidly according to the size of the widget  
130257 GN-28379 WebUI Improved the OTP app installation screen in the new login UI of the management console so that apps other than Google OTP can be installed  
130257 GN-28371 Windows Agent Improved so that only site items are selected and linked regardless of the ZTNA connection method  
130257 GN-28369 WebUI UI improvements so that OTP secondary authentication shows that in addition to the Google OTP app, other apps such as MS Authenticator are also possible  
130257 GN-28339 Center Blocking malicious domains through DNS control  
130257 GN-28316 CLOUD [CLOUD] Improved to check the device's internal syslog log  
130257 GN-28275 Windows Agent Futuretech VPN integration added to ZTNA Connection Manager  
130257 GN-28189   Improved UI for setting node tags  
130257 GN-27951   Improved so that if there are duplicate values when registering wireless LANs in batches, the duplicate values will be displayed in a message  
130257 GN-27765 Linux Agent Development of Linux Agent, user notification message Linux Agent, 사용자 알림메시지 & 공지사항 기능 개발 및 Main UI 적용 announcement functions and application of Main UI  
130257 GN-27688 WebUI Improved to be able to set change items in convenient port-type emails  

Issues Fixed

Revision Key Components Description Affects Versions
132348 GN-29302 Center An issue where upgrade directory permissions are changed to root when backing up GPDB/NMDB 6.0.14, 5.0.55 (LTS)
132235 GN-29245 Linux Agent Linux Agent periodically creates gnupdate zombie processes Linux Agent, 주기적으로 gnupdate 좀비 프로세스 생성 & 증가하는 문제 growing issues 6.0.22
132155 GN-29159 Center A problem where the user authentication expiration processing scheduler does not work properly due to NTP changes during process operation 4.0.143, 5.0.40, 6.0.0
132148 GN-29185 Center A problem where policy changes due to node reservation tag assignment are not reflected in the sensor 5.0.21, 6.0.0
131999 GN-29180 Center An issue where ES index cannot be cleaned up due to an error that determines the execution result of a system command as a failure even if it is successful  
131988 GN-29225 Authsync A problem where setting the initial fixed password value does not work when using the REST API Server synchronization type 5.0.38
131516 GN-29033 WebUI A problem where all logs can be checked when exporting audit logs when the administrator's management scope (management sensor) is limited 5.0.22, 6.0.0
131379 GN-28959 Center A problem where the operating state of a node in the DOWN state is changed to UP and maintained during RADIUS authentication 5.0.44, 6.0.1
131361 GN-29090 Windows Agent Password change via password validation plug-in fails on Windows 11 (24H2) 5.0.0, 6.0.0
131262 GN-29147 Ubuntu(Debian) [General-purpose OS] An issue where the management console (Tomcat) cannot run after upgrading an internally set device on a general-purpose OS device for a specific period of time 6.0.25, 5.0.65 (LTS)
130876 GN-28991 Center The problem of not being able to assign a user IP when using a site user static IP 6.0.14
130650 GN-28798 WebUI An error occurs when updating the JIT Provisioning Additional Information section during SNMP authentication settings 6.0.16, 5.0.55 (LTS), 5.0.56, 6.0.24, 5.0.64
130524 GN-28843 dbmigration An issue where the SNMP Agent setting USERNAME value is not normal after migration 6.0.25, 5.0.65 (LTS)
130399 GN-28969 Center, Sensor [General-purpose OS] An issue where an updated library path cannot be found and a reference error occurs 6.0.16, 5.0.55 (LTS)
130257 GN-28896 ulogd A memory problem occurs when sending WebProxy (Squid) audit logs to FlowLog 6.0.0
130257 GN-28881 DKNS An issue where the log file size continues to grow because logrotate does not work in the DKNS environment 6.0.0
130257 GN-28856 WebUI An issue where some of the information contained in the XML received after downloading Metadata from the CWP SAML authentication integration settings UI is displayed as /mc2 6.0.22, 5.0.62
130257 GN-28826 Center A problem where the sensor is not used as a distribution server for a certain period of time when an action is modified without changing the distribution file 4.0.M3, 3.4.3, 5.0.0, 6.0.0
130257 GN-28747   A problem where part of the item is missing when delivering the device group item on the device usage application form 4.0.0, 5.0.0, 6.0.0
130257 GN-28728 WebUI Operation errors that cannot be removed from the device list and node list when deleting cloud sensor devices 6.0.26 (LTS)
130257 GN-28701 dbmigration An issue where SNMP Agent settings are not normal due to migration errors 6.0.17, 5.0.57
130257 GN-28695 Sensor A problem where the upgrade is treated as a success even if the upgrade fails due to a timeout when upgrading a sensor 5.0.42
130257 GN-28667   An issue where nodes are not discovered by IP in Inline sensor monitoring mode 5.0.37
130257 GN-28651 Sensor A problem where the sensor process terminates abnormally when using the real-time detection function for host name changes 4.0.114, 5.0.11
130257 GN-28630 macOS Agent When updating the OS with the macOS update plug-in, Agent Error. ERRMSG= Problems with Audit Logs 5.0.11, 6.0.0
130257 GN-28610   A problem where when changing the tag name in the tag settings on the node detail screen, the description of the changed tag is not automatically changed 6.0.26 (LTS)
130257 GN-28565 WebUI A problem where 404 errors are displayed in the audit log when entering the control policy screen 6.0.19
130257 GN-28541   An issue where an error occurs in the agent version status widget 4.0.159, 6.0.20, 5.0.60
130257 GN-28499 macOS Agent macOS agent disconnects from wireless LAN when using wireless LAN control plug-in on macOS Sonoma 14.5 5.0.0, 6.0.0
130257 GN-28495 Windows Agent An issue where domain information from a node cannot be collected (when using workgroups) 6.0.16, 5.0.55 (LTS), 5.0.56, 6.0.20, 5.0.60
130257 GN-28483 Windows Agent An issue where English characters are displayed when the first numeric key is entered in the agent authentication window 4.0.120, 5.0.17, 6.0.0
130257 GN-28447   An issue where mouse selection is intermittently not correct when the submenu is displayed in a dropdown form from the top menu 6.0.17
130257 GN-28423 macOS Agent An issue where verification information such as macOS offline integrity and electronic signatures is not sent to the audit log 6.0.20
130257 GN-28420 Linux Agent Linux Agent, problem of not being able to send certain offline logs 6.0.20
130257 GN-28409 WebUI A problem where the output information is displayed as undefined when there is abnormal data in the node details 5.0.42, 6.0.16
130257 GN-28405 WebUI An error showing the operator account in the IP Management Console's administrator list 5.0.11, 6.0.0
130257 GN-28399 macOS Agent Improved reboot-related wording for the macOS operating system update plug-in 5.0.55 (LTS), 6.0.17
130257 GN-28375 WebUI A problem where SAML authentication in CWP does not work properly when setting a custom port other than 443 (https) port 5.0.49, 6.0.7
130257 GN-28372 GNOS [GNOS] Error log issue when checking udp communication with Policy Server during installation 5.0.31, 6.0.0
130257 GN-28310   An issue where the REST API for the node group list (/nodegroups) does not output the number of nodes applied to the node group 4.0.159, 6.0.20, 5.0.60
130257 GN-28309   An issue where an email with the application result is not sent when all SMS text notifications and e-mails are entered in the user application form 5.0.0, 6.0.0
130257 GN-28285 WebUI An issue where additional options are not applied properly when creating additional fields 6.0.19, 5.0.59
130257 GN-28272   Change the help and some image icons to awesome and unify the color style 6.0.5
130257 GN-27741 WebUI Problems where applications cannot be made if the department within 'Device Control > Device Use Application Form' does not exist 5.0.0, 6.0.0
130257 GN-27606 WebUI A problem where the untagging time of the set tag is set to an unlimited number of times when the rest API assigns a tag with a set period 5.0.49, 6.0.8