Using custom fields to enter additional information to account

Set up custom fields on your account so that administrators can enter information in custom fields, or receive information from users.

Use custom fields to receive additional information when creating user account applications, or to use it as information that can be collected from the consent page.

The custom field allows administrators to manage user account information by classifying it in detail through various information set up/entered.


Up to nine additional fields can be set for user accounts.

Creating custom fields

  1. Go to Preferences in the top panel

  2. Go to Properties > Custom Fields > User in the left Preferences panel

  3. Click Task to select Create.

  4. Enter the following items and click the Save bottom button.

    • Key,The database column in which custom fields are stored.
    • Name, The custom field name displayed in the Web console.
    • Width, The width of the custom field window.
    • Description, Custom field is the part where you enter the phrase that describes.
    • Priority, The order in which the custom field list displays.
    • Input Type, Select the input type for the custom field.
    • Settings, Select the width of the input window, whether to mark it * like a password, or set it as required.
  1. Go to Preferences in the top panel
  2. Go to Properties > Purpose > User in the left Preferences panel
  3. Select the type of user to apply the custom field you added earlier.
  4. Assign the custom field you created to the Request Field Options or Account Field Options item and click the Update button.

Enter information in the custom field

  1. Go to Management > User in the top panel.
  2. Select a Users in the left item.
  3. Click the user ID to enter the information in the custom field.
  4. Enter information in the custom field added to the User Information item below.
  5. Click the Modify button at the top of the Node tab.

Check with custom field information list

Use the Manage View Edit feature to view the input set to Add to Multiple Nodes fields on the view screen.

  1. Go to Management > User in the top panel.
  2. Select Edit columns from the top task
  3. Move the custom field you added to the right of the edit columns window and click the Update button.