Frequently Asked Questions
What is the product release cycle?
Genian NAC releases a new minor version every two months.
Can I downgrade my software version?
No, downgrade is not supported. For a downgrade, you should create a backup before you upgrade, and then reinstall software and restore backup data.
Is the communication between each component encrypted?
Yes, communication between each component is encrypted through TLS.
What if I exceed the license amount?
See step 1 on Sizing Software and Hardware
How can I check Windows update of endpoints?
See step 1 on Update Windows
How come the blocked Nodes cannot open the CWP through Genian NAC?
See step 1 on Blocked Nodes are not redirected to CWP page
What Regex engine does Genian NAC utilize?
Genian NAC utilizes Perl Compatible Regular Expressions. For information including syntax reference the following resources:
Can User Credentials from Active Directory be used to access the Web Console?
Yes. To configure, you must configure authentication integration AND user database synchronization with an AD domain controller. Lastly the Active Directory user must be selected in the Genians user database and configured with a superAdmin role.
Can Node info be imported from a wireless controller via SNMP?
No, this function is not supported.
Why can't I collect domain information from my Agentless environment?
Domain name and host name information in an Agentless environment is collected via two methods:
Method 1 - The Sensor extracts domain name and host name from netbios packets. Be sure to add a sensor interface in the subnet you wish to collect this information for.
Method 2 - WMI collection of domain, host name and other information is possible if configured. Reference the following information on how to configure this feature if domain or host name information is not being populated by the Sensor.
Why is the Agentless device host name not collected?
Domain name and host name information in an Agentless environment is collected via two methods:
Method 1 - The Sensor extracts domain name and host name from netbios packets. Be sure to add a sensor interface in the subnet you wish to collect this information for.
Method 2 - WMI collection of domain, host name and other information is possible if configured. Reference the following information on how to configure this feature if domain or host name information is not being populated by the Sensor.
Why can't I collect device information in my Agentless environment, even after configuring Agentless WMI collection?
In Windows 10 version 2004 there are known issues with WMI functioning properly due to DCOM version issues. The recommendation is to upgrade to a later version. If upgrading to a later version is not possible, please contact your technical support representative.
Why there is 'Agent Not Installed' policy even though we are using Agentless?
The default enforcement policy is created based on Agent-installed. you can use it after creating/deleting a policy according to your environment.
How to set up RAID?
Genian NAC Appliances support RAID 0,1 by adding a separate RAID card (ASR-8405E v2). For more information, please contact our sales team.
When is the update cycle of Genian data?
The Genian data is automatically updated at the set period when the inspection cycle is set at Web Console > Preferences > Miscellaneous > Genian data settings > Scan interval and the bottom Automatic Update item is set as On
How can I collect wireless LAN SSIDs?
Please refer to the following documents. Controlling WLAN
How do I control access to the terminal wireless LAN?
Terminal wireless LAN access control can be performed in two ways. There are ways to Disable
wireless network adapter (Controlling Network Interface)` and restrict wireless LAN AP access using Controlling WLAN.
How do you control unnecessary administrator web access?
Session management(Managing Administrator Connections) allows unnecessary access sessions to be forcibly terminated.
A device using a wireless network is detected on a different platform
A false positive occurs when you use another manufacturer's OUI while changing the MAC address to RANDOM MAC as a function of mobile and PC. The RANDOM MAC setting is located in the wireless lan profile detail setting and can be taken action by setting the MAC address type to the MAC of the terminal. Wireless LAN User Devices Are Detecting as Wrong Platform