Creating Anomaly Definition

You can create custom Anomaly definitions to apply to Node Groups.

By default, there are eight pre-defined Anomaly Definitions that are frequently used. With the steps provided below, you can create your own Anomaly Definitions.

To Create an Anomaly Definition

  1. Go to Policy in the top panel.
  2. Go to Policy > Node Policy > Anomaly Definition in the left Policy panel.
  3. Click Tasks > Create.

Under General:

  1. For ID, type unique name.
  2. For CWP Message, enter message to be presented to user.
  3. For User-defined Severity, choose Low, Medium, or High for Anomaly severity.
  4. For Status, must be Enabled to be active.
  5. For Node Group Exception, optional setting to choose group to be an exception to this Anomaly.

Under Anomaly Event:

  1. For Event, choose which Anomaly Definition to use.
  2. For Options, customize the options as needed based on selected Event.
  3. Click Create.

To Delete an Anomaly Definition

  1. Go to Policy in the top panel.
  2. Go to Policy > Node Policy > Anomaly Definition in the left Policy panel.
  3. Click Checkbox of desired Anomaly Definition.
  4. Click Tasks > Delete.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Apply.