Managing Backup And Restore

You can schedule backups to run automatically, and restore from backups in the event of system failure.


This option is not available in Cloud Version

Configuring Backup

Schedule Recurring Backup Time

  1. Go to Preferences in the top panel
  2. Go to General > Backup in the left Preferences panel
  3. Find Backup section in the Backup window. Click On for Scheduled Backup
  4. Specify Time to have Backup recur
  5. Specify Threshold for minimum disk volume
  6. Click Update

Configure the Repository Type

  1. Go to Preferences in the top panel
  2. Go to General > Backup in the left Preferences panel
  3. Find Backup section in the Backup window. Select proper Type from drop down
  4. Click Update
Store Type Description & Value
Local Disk Save to Policy Server Local Disk
External Storeage(External HDD, SSD, etc) Save to an external USB-type attached disk on the policy server
CIFS Storage Perform a CIFS-enabled backup using Windows Sharing.
NFS Storage Mount directories on Unix or Linux file systems to perform backups.
FTP SERVER Transfer backup files via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). (For security reasons, it is not recommended that passwords be passed in plain text)
SFTP SERVER Transfer backup files via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) (recommended for secure encryption based on SSH)


If you specify a storage device in a backup file as a type other than a local disk, you can respond to the loss of backup files when the Backup File Retention setting is set to ON.

Restoring From Existing Backup

Locate a Backup File and Restore

  1. Click Preferences in the top panel
  2. Go to Configuration > Backup in the left panel
  3. Click Download Backup File button
  4. Copy Backup file that you want to restore from the list and then exit out
  5. Login to Policy Server through CLI Connecting Command Line Console
  6. Type enable and Admin Password to get into Global Mode
  7. Enter "do restore <filename> all" to restore backup

Restore from HA Configuration

If HA is configured, please contact Slack